Easy & Smart Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Screen Time

As a parent, you may have noticed that children today have high exposure to screens from a very early age. They are spending more time with screens, especially with electronic devices like mobile, tablets, and television than spending time playing with their friends, involving themselves in some creative activities and something else. This is why nowadays it becomes a general concern for parents how to reduce screen time for their children. But, the majority of parents find it challenging to limit their child’s screen time. It is because gadgets have now become a ubiquitous aspect of our daily life and this increasing dependency on gadgets and screens is also affecting the younger generation.

But, fortunately, there are ways to cut short children’s interaction with gadgets. Baba Manjh Convent School, being the top convent school in Hoshiarpur suggests some effective tips to help your child reduce screen time as discussed below.

Smart Tips & Tricks to Limit Your Child’s Screen-Time:

  • Be Engaged with Your Child: Make sure you spend quality time with your child by talking face to face and giving them full attention. You can encourage your child to seek out and get involved in activities like playing outside, reading a book, or even helping you with some household work.
  • Model Healthy Electronic Use: The best way to reduce your child’s screen time is to model the screen time by yourself. Make sure you are setting an example for your kids with your own time spent in front of the screen.
  • Educate Yourself on Electronics: When it comes to limiting your child’s screen time, first you need to stay up-to-date on the latest apps, games, and social media platforms and trends. Otherwise, you cannot teach your child the risks of involving more in screens. 
  • Create a TechnologyFree-Zone in Your House: Creating a technology-free zone in your house can help your child be free from the screen for some time. For instance, you can set the rule that the dining room of your house is only reserved for having meals and family conversations. Make sure all the family members follow the same rule.


These are some effective tips and tricks on how to limit your child’s screen time. Baba Manjh Convent School being one of the best CBSE schools in Hoshiarpur looks at each and every aspect of a child’s development. 

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